Our Classes
Our regular classes (Ducks, Rainbow Butterflies, and Bear Cubs) meet Monday-Thursday from 9:00-11:30am. Our STEAM program is an additional offering on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Student’s class assignments are determined by the age of the child on September 1st of the school year. Monthly tuition is $275, with discounted prices for siblings. There is also a $75 one-time registration fee for new families.
Ducks - 2 year olds
Our Duck Class is a great introduction to preschool. The Duck class mainly focuses on social skills such as learning to be away from mom and dad, sharing, speaking up about needs, and interacting with others. The daily schedule includes a circle time (weather, letter, shape color, and number), art, story time, gross motor play, music time, snack, center time play, and exploring.

Rainbow Butterflies - 2 & 3 year olds
In our Rainbow Butterfly Class, your child will work on social skills such as learning to be away from home, sharing, speaking up about needs, while interacting with others, and incorporate academic components such as pre-writing skills and patterns. The daily schedule will look similar to these other classes and includes a circle time (weather, letter, shape color, and number), art, story time, gross motor play, music time, snack, center time play, and exploring.
Bear Cubs - 4 & 5 year olds
Our Bear Cub Class offers a play-based curriculum that prepares students for kindergarten in a developmentally appropriate way. The Bear Cub Class consists of circle time, art, story time, music time, gross motor play, center free play, and snack. In addition, the children will learn skills they need to be successful in kindergarten, such as writing letters and cutting with scissors.